Students working on mathematical models

Data Science

Data science is an emerging, interdisciplinary academic field that sits at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and mathematics.


Data science is the process of transforming raw, unorganized data into useful information and then presenting that information in a clear, concise way. While the use of powerful statistical and algorithmic techniques are infused in data science, at its core data science is about critical thinking: utilizing information in order to understand the world more deeply—something Centre has been excelling at for the past 200 years.


Students begin working with visualizing data in web, data, and design. Statistical modeling introduces students to statistical techniques such as multivariable regression and modeling, and data science and analytics builds upon this foundation with machine learning, constraint programming, and data visualization tools. For majors, the program also includes a capstone experience in the fall semester of their senior year.

Major Requirements

Minor Requirements

Data Science Faculty

Person wearing glasses smiling

Michael K. Bradshaw

  • Professor of Computer Science and Data Science
  • Chair of Computer Science Program
person smiling while standing in front of Old Centre

Jeffrey Heath

  • Margaret V. Haggin Professor of Mathematics and Data Science
  • Chair of the Data Science Program
  • NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative
Person smiling

Dave Toth

  • Associate Professor of Computer Science and Data Science

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